Comic for June 15, 2018
 …you make it sound like this place is a prison.

I mean, I know that’s the stigma of psychiatric care in a lot of places, but most of us would like to think that we’ve progressed as a society.

Anyway, I’ve been diagnosed with “undifferentiated schizophrenia”. It sounds a bit weird to say it like that, but it turns out that schizophrenia comes in a couple of flavors. This one is the diagnosis when a person’s symptoms fit the criteria for schizophrenia, but none of the other subtypes; the “catch all” or “generic” version, so to speak.

Or, to put the medical jargon aside for the moment, I’m schizophrenic, but I’m not randomly violent, nor am I one of those ponies that believes somepony’s out to get them. I don’t have multiple personalities, nor do I silently stare into space or twitch constantly. I definitely don’t believe I’m some sort of god; we have one of those ponies on this hall already, and I do not understand how she’s maintaining that viewpoint about herself.

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