Comic for June 20, 2018
 This really depends on how easily you call other ponies “friends”. Life isn’t like the movies, where a group of random ponies go through some experience together and automatically become best buddies. Friendship means something deeper than that, in my opinion.

But, to answer your question, it’s not particularly lonely here, as there are three other patients and several staff members on hoof throughout the day. I don’t think the staff are permitted to get close to a patient, and since I’ve never been an especially social pony myself, I haven’t made much of an effort to get to know the other patients beyond what we do in group activities or therapy sessions. So I guess that would make us merely acquaintances, rather than friends.

Though now that I think about it, that sounds rather antisocial, doesn’t it?

I don’t think I’m actually antisocial; I just prefer to be alone with my own thoughts most of the time. Nopony’s said anything, so as far as I know they’re comfortable with me staying out of their business.

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