Comic for December 4, 2018
 I don’t like it, but it’s really the only thing I can do right now. Simply put, I don’t see another choice.

To be blunt, I’ve been questioning if this is some sort of weird dream or not for a while now. I don’t usually remember my dreams, but I’ve heard other ponies talk about them, and what they’ve said isn’t matching up with what’s going on here.

For example, you’re not supposed to be able to read in your dreams, as the part of your brain that processes language is supposed to be dormant during REM sleep. While the words we’ve seen were written in some odd language, they were still decipherable and the letters I wrote didn’t change or morph into new shapes as I worked out the translation.

And if this isn’t a dream, then I have a very serious problem at hoof: I have yet to see anything that would provide me with either food or water. At best, I have maybe a week to either find supplies or find a way out of this place. At worst, I have less than 48 hours before I start dying of thirst.

Either way, I can’t risk sticking around.

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