Comic for July 18, 2018
 There’s a simple reason for that: I learned a long, long, time ago to be careful about how I pick my battles. Most of the time, there isn’t a reason to kick up a fuss, and ponies tend to be more amicable when you try to work with them.

Think of it this way. Imagine two foals are out grocery shopping with their families. The first foal is yelling and stomping their hooves because they see some candy they want. Meanwhile, the second foal spends the trip quietly helping their parents find the items they are shopping for, and waits until they reach the checkout to ask if they can have a candy bar from the isle at the register.

In the end, both foals get their candy – one earned it with their behavior, the other was given the candy to shut them up. However, while both got their way in the end, which one will be given more opportunities and leeway in the future?

It’s much the same here. The staff have a unit to run and keep orderly, so I let them take the lead and I try to avoid doing anything that would disrupt their work.

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