Comic for February 20, 2019
 S.B. : That’s actually a bit of a problem with clones. There are two main reasons why the legal age is 21, and depending on how exactly the clone was created, you can wind up with moral and ethical issues.

You see, these laws are based around physical and mental maturity. Alcohol does nasty things to developing bodies, so you want to ensure that your clients are done growing. At the same time, drinking impairs a pony’s ability to make decisions, so you want them to be mature enough to handle their alcohol. In general, by the time somepony is 21, they’re old enough to drink safely.

Then you have clones: depending on the method used to create them, you could have a physically mature pony with the mind of a newborn. They’d be done growing, but lack the experience to make a safe decision. On the other hoof, you can have clones that started out with an adult mind and body. These clones are chronologically less than 21 years old, but are otherwise regular adults. It’s kind of an ethical mine field.

Legally however, as long as you have a valid ID that says you’re 21 or over, my ass is covered.

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